2015년 1월 13일(화) 수술스케쥴- 김성재 교수님
1. M /22 SLAP(superior labrum anterior-posterior), traumatic Arthroscopic Bankart operation(SLAP포함)
2. F/ 41 Lateral meniscus tear, old Arthroscopic menisectomy, lateral / [복잡]Repair of meniscus, lateral, left
3.F/ 54 Meniscus tear Arthroscopic menisectomy, medial
2015년 1월 15일(목) 수술스케쥴- 김성재 교수님
1.M /56 Rotator cuff arthropathy Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, shoulder(근 및 건 1개+SLAP포함)
2. F/ 52 ACL rupture (anterior cruciate ligament rupture ) Arthroscopic ACL reconstruction with auto bone-patellar tendon-bone, knee
2015년 1월 15일(목) 수술스케쥴- 천용민 교수님
1.F/ 77 Rotator cuff tear Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair, shoulder(primary suture)
2.F /77 Fracture of clavicle / Arthritis / Stiff shoulder Hardware removal
3.M/ 21 Recurrent subluxation, shoulder Arthroscopic Bankart operation(SLAP포함)
4.M/ 20 Bankart lesion, shoulder Arthroscopic Bankart operation(SLAP포함)
5.M /49 Healed fracture of clavicle Hardware removal
6.M /28 Fracture of clavicle Open reduction and internal fixation, clavicle fracture(O/R & I/F)